Emergency Management News Releases

Category: Missouri Valley IA

Emergency Operations News

Emergency Operations news releases are published during an activation of the Omaha District Emergency Operations Center. These releases also appear on the front page of the District Web site and the Emergency Management Web page.
Category: Missouri Valley IA
  • Cherry Creek Reservoir releases scheduled to gradually increase

    As river stages downstream of Denver continue to recede, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District will begin to gradually increase releases from Cherry Creek Dam. Releases from Cherry Creek Dam will be gradually increased over the next few days to evacuate flood control storage. On Thursday, Sept. 26, Cherry Creek Dam releases were increased from 40 cubic feet per second to 75 cfs. The releases are scheduled to be increased to 100 cfs on Monday, Sept. 30.
  • Bear Creek Reservoir releases scheduled to gradually increase

    As river stages downstream of Denver fall below flood stages, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District will begin to gradually increase releases from Bear Creek Reservoir. Releases from Bear Creek and Cherry Creek reservoirs have been a combined 290 cubic feet per second (cfs) since September 16. Chatfield Lake remains 3.5 feet below the base of the flood control pool and no releases are scheduled. Releases from Bear Creek reservoir will be gradually increased over the next few days. On Saturday, Sept. 21, releases will increase from 250 cfs to 300 cfs; Sunday, Sept. 22, releases will reach 400 cfs; and then increase to 500 cfs on Monday, Sept. 23. Forecasts indicate that Bear Creek reservoir will complete evacuation of flood storage during the second week of October. Releases from Cherry Creek Dam remain at 40 cfs. The Corps continues to monitor these releases in coordination with the State of Colorado.
  • Nebraska Post-flood and Flood Protection Permitting

    To address National Weather Service forecasts for river levels along the South Platte and Platte rivers in Nebraska to be in or above flood stage, landowners may decide to take action they believe is necessary to protect property. Where possible, the public should contact the Nebraska Regulatory Office (402)896-0896 for work associated with flood protection and repair work for flood damaged areas performed in waters of the U.S. within the State of Nebraska and the Omaha District. A flood emergency does not remove the landowner's responsibility to obtain a Section 404 permit when one is required.