Public Involvement Notices

  • Corps seeks public comment on Draft Surplus Water Reports, Environmental Assessments

    A report has been developed and released for public comment for each of the following mainstem reservoirs: Fort Peck Dam/Fort Peck Lake, Mont.; Oahe Dam/ Lake Oahe, S.D., Big Bend Dam/Lake Sharpe, S.D.; Fort Randall Dam/Lake Francis Case, S.D.; and Gavins Point Dam/Lewis and Clark Lake, S.D. The draft reports identify and quantify surplus water availability at each of the locations.
  • Public Meeting Scheduled for Audubon Bend Conceptual Site Plan Development

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 7, at the Holy Family Parish (Sacred Heart Hall), 807 Emerson Ave., in Wynot, Neb., to seek public input on the development of a conceptual site plan for the restoration of habitat and recreation features at the recently acquired Audubon Bend property in Cedar County, Neb.
  • Public Meeting Scheduled for North Alabama Bend Conceptual Site Plan Development

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 8, at the University of South Dakota W.H. Over Museum, 1110 Ratingen Street, in Vermillion, SD. The purpose of the meeting is to seek public input on the development of a conceptual site plan for the enhancement of habitat and recreation features at the recently acquired North Alabama Bend property in Clay County, SD.
  • Final Garrison Dam/Lake Sakakawea Surplus Water Report, Environmental Assessment available to public

    The Final Garrison Dam/Lake Sakakawea Surplus Water Report, dated March 2011 is available for public review. The Final Report consists of two volumes and one addendum. Volume I contains the Final Surplus Water Report and Appendix A, the Final Environmental Assessment. Volume II contains Appendix B, which includes the Public and Agency Coordination Letters as well as copies of input received from Federal, Tribal, State and Local Interests.
  • Public comment period extended for Draft Chatfield Reservoir Storage Reallocation Documents

    The public comment period for the draft Chatfield Reservoir Storage Reallocation Feasibility Report (FR) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been extended to Sep. 6, 2012. The draft documents can be viewed on the Omaha District website and in hardcopy at libraries in Highlands Ranch, Denver, Littleton, Greeley, and Aurora, Colo.
  • Corps seeks public comment on Chatfield Reservoir Storage Reallocation Draft Feasibility Study Report, Environmental Impact Statement

    The draft feasibility study report and environmental impact statement for Chatfield Reservoir storage reallocation is available. The draft identifies alternatives for reallocating storage space in the Chatfield Reservoir for joint flood control- conservation purposes, including storage for municipal and industrial water supply, agriculture, environmental restoration and recreation and fishery habitat protection and enhancement.
  • Corps to begin finalizing surplus water applications at Lake Sakakawea

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced today that it will move forward with finalizing current outstanding application requests for access to surplus water out of Lake Sakakawea.