Tag: omaha district
  • November

    District hydropower team conducts Fort Peck Dam site visit

    Built in 1933 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal program, the Fort Peck Dam in Montana is still functioning today as originally designed almost 90 years ago.
  • October

    District’s rapid response team helps extinguish coalmine fire in Washington state

    In June, after an unsuccessful attempt by local firefighters to put out a smoldering fire at an abandoned Navy coalmine in Cumberland, Washington, the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation reached out to the USACE Omaha District’s technical center of expertise rapid response team for assistance.
  • September

    District’s technical center of expertise provides rapid response during emergencies

    With September and October being the peak hurricane months, the Omaha District's rapid response team stands ready to offer disaster relief assistance should the need arise. According the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association the 2020 hurricane season has already set a record by logging 20 storms as of Sept. 14.
  • August

    Omaha District’s small business program empowers service disabled Veterans

    The Omaha District is empowering service disabled veterans through a unique program designed to offer competitive work contracts to small business owners. These veteran owned small business are making a significant impact and contributing to the overall success of the USACE mission.
  • Real estate division provides important mission support across District

    With an area of responsibility covering six states, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado and Montana, the Omaha District is one of the largest within Army Corps of Engineers – with that large footprint comes a lot of real estate to manage on land, water and air (think airports). In addition, District civil boundaries also include small portions of Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota.

News from around USACE

ROTC Cadet Temin Sohn’s Summer Experience at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Office in Jordan
9/20/2024 UPDATED
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) hosted ROTC Cadet Temin Sohn as part of its cadet summer training program, providing him with a unique experience in...
Jennifer Linebaugh is dedicated to making a difference with her service to the environment and people
9/19/2024 UPDATED
Following an internship with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jennifer Linebaugh knew she had to come back and work in a role that she found fulfilling. With a dedication to care for the environment...
ERDC researchers participate in valuable workshop for coastal research and development
As the effects of climate change threaten coastal communities through extreme natural events such as hurricanes, coastal storms, tsunamis and landslides, and contribute to longer-term risks of coastal...
‘We have the responsibility’: Missouri River fish and wildlife mitigation project a vital undertaking
After Lewis and Clark ended their journey westward in 1806, an expedition known as the Corps of Discovery, the Missouri River would prove to be a vital link between the east and west. Flowing right...