• October

    USACE Payroll Program Manager concludes her career with the end of fiscal year fourteen

    Council Bluffs native, Annette Epperson, completes a 37-year career with the United States Army Corps of Engineers at the Omaha District. Throughout her career she communicated with almost all USACE districts,serving as the Payroll Program Manager and lead Customer Service Representative. She received more than 71 challenge coins and the Bronze de Fleury medal.
  • Son is his lifelong inspiration... Sexton: Loyalty, dedication to mission in critical focus at all times

    Omaha District Deputy Commander, Lt. Col Michael Sexton covers all bases at the district to include delivering mail to each of the floors at the federal building. In doing so, he enjoys the one-on-one time, getting to know the employees.
  • Restoring a former Atlas Missile site in Nebraska

    On Oct. 7, 2014, an Omaha District Environmental Remediation team led by Hector Santiago, project manager, won the biennial Secretary of the Army Environmental Award in Environmental Restoration-Installation for 2013. The honor, given by IMCOM subordinate command U.S. Army Environmental Command, recognizes and rewards “excellence in the development, management, and transferability of environmental programs that increase environmental quality, enhance the mission, and support Army sustainability.” Each award is for a two-year performance period and the 2013 award covers achievements from Oct. 1, 2011 through Sept. 30, 2013.
  • September

    Recycling playground equipment brings smiles and benefits to Autism Center

    Life left in playground equipment allows for it to be donated rather than recycled and put to great use for a local Autism Center in Colorado. Thanks to the efforts of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and partnership with a Corps contractor, children at the Alpine Autism Center are enjoying the new playground equipment, which brings them much joy.
  • Telling the Cache la Poudre Story at the Civil Works Review Board

    Getting to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers' Civil Works Review Board is no quick, easy task-just ask Steve Rothe, USACE Project Manager for a proposed environmental restoration project along the Cache la Poudre River in Greeley, Colo.

News from around USACE

Huntsville Center Partners with Auburn University Graduate Program
The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville has joined forces with Auburn University to offer a specialized graduate certificate program in construction management, equipping personnel...
Facility Division program upgrades historic Old Guard barracks
The project refurbished an outdated, historic barracks (Building 250) providing members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, traditionally known as "The Old Guard" access to a facility providing 13,000...
USACE 542nd Forward Engineer Support Team deploys to the Philippines
The 542nd, Forward Engineer Support Team—Advanced, deployed to the Philippines to provide technical engineering support for United States Indo-Pacific Command, January 26, 2025...
Japan Engineer District begins pilot Japanese intern program
For the last several weeks, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan Engineer District (USACE JED) has been a bit more scholarly than usual – perhaps in part due to the District’s participation in the...