• April

    Chaining ensures Corps’ bridges not weakest link

    For more than 25 years, the sound of rattling chains has pierced the air whenever Lyle Peterson crossed one of the bridges spanning the Missouri River at one the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Omaha District’s six mainstem dams.
  • March

    Memo from the Director of Contracting re: COVID-19

    For USACE Contractors, As the Director of Contracting for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, I wanted to personally reach out to all of you and let you know that we are actively monitoring the situation in regards to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Attached is the guidance we received on planning for potential Novel Coronavirus Contract Impacts.
  • January

    Special Projects Branch hits 10-year milestone

    In many organizations, there are some tasks and projects that just don’t seem to fit into an easily defined category. This was also the case for the Corps of Engineers Omaha District in 2009. The District had projects that needed to be completed, but didn’t quite fit the mold of the programs they were assigned to. The solution to that issue to the stand up the Special Projects Branch. It was a new concept when the first eight-person team was assembled to take on these outliers, which totaled more than $140 million that first year. Since then, the branch has grown to 52 people and nearly $600 million worth of work annually.
  • Winter doesn't put freeze on flood repairs

    When the unprecedented and historical flooding started in the Missouri and Platte River basins in March 2019, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Omaha District responded immediately. Within hours, the District, led by the Readiness Branch, was developing plans and sending materials out to fight the flood and provide assistance to communities within harm’s way.
  • December

    Invasive species mussel in on Gavins Point Dam

    When you’re talking about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ six mainstem dams on the Missouri River, the word small is a relative term. While the dams and their powerhouses vary in size, they are all imposing structures. For instance, Gavins Point Dam, near Yankton, South Dakota, is the smallest of the six, yet it took 7 million cubic yards of earth to build and its three Kaplan generators are capable of generating electricity for 68,000 homes. This makes it that much more ironic that something as small as a zebra mussel could give it such big problems.

News from around USACE

Raystown Lake Operations Project Manager retires after over four decades of federal service
After 45 years with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Raystown Lake Operations Project Manager Jude Harrington is retiring. His illustrious four-decade career with USACE was celebrated at a...
Innovative Bioreactor Technology for Treating Industrial Residues
The “Method for Treating Reducible Compound Residues Using Iron-Containing Bioreactor” provides a sustainable solution for managing industrial waste by utilizing iron’s unique properties in...
Meet Kay Vasquez, executive administrative specialist in the Albuquerque District
Meet Kay Vasquez, executive administrative specialist in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Albuquerque District. This is the first in a series of features highlighting some of the amazing women who...
PHOTOS: Crowds gather in beautiful wintery landscape at Shenango for Eagle Fest
The Shenango River Lake hosted its fifth annual Eagle Fest at the lake in partnership with other natural conservation agencies, including Shenango River Watchers, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and...