• September

    District’s technical center of expertise provides rapid response during emergencies

    With September and October being the peak hurricane months, the Omaha District's rapid response team stands ready to offer disaster relief assistance should the need arise. According the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association the 2020 hurricane season has already set a record by logging 20 storms as of Sept. 14.
  • August

    Omaha District’s small business program empowers service disabled Veterans

    The Omaha District is empowering service disabled veterans through a unique program designed to offer competitive work contracts to small business owners. These veteran owned small business are making a significant impact and contributing to the overall success of the USACE mission.
  • Real estate division provides important mission support across District

    With an area of responsibility covering six states, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado and Montana, the Omaha District is one of the largest within Army Corps of Engineers – with that large footprint comes a lot of real estate to manage on land, water and air (think airports). In addition, District civil boundaries also include small portions of Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota.
  • Parks and Recreation real-life mission for Omaha District

    OMAHA, Neb. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, manages more 235 parks and recreation areas, over 400,000 acres of public lands, and more than one million acres of water surface areas.
  • Himes engineers future of Omaha District

    Col. Mark Himes took command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, July 8 from outgoing commander Col. John Hudson. Himes, the District’s 36th commander, says he is fired up about his new job, and is honored by the opportunity to contribute to the Corps of Engineers’ legacy and to be able to build upon its storied history.

News from around USACE

Huntsville Center Partners with Auburn University Graduate Program
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Facility Division program upgrades historic Old Guard barracks
The project refurbished an outdated, historic barracks (Building 250) providing members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, traditionally known as "The Old Guard" access to a facility providing 13,000...
USACE 542nd Forward Engineer Support Team deploys to the Philippines
The 542nd, Forward Engineer Support Team—Advanced, deployed to the Philippines to provide technical engineering support for United States Indo-Pacific Command, January 26, 2025...
Japan Engineer District begins pilot Japanese intern program
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