Missouri River Water Management News

Missouri River Water Management News Releases are available on the Northwestern Division website.RSS Feed

Tag: Ice Fishing
  • Fort Peck announces winter access for motorized vehicles

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or USACE, Fort Peck Project has announced winter guidance for motorized access at Fort Peck Reservoir located near Fort Peck, Montana.
  • Garrison Project announces 2024-2025 winter access policy

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District’s Garrison Project has announced their 2024-2025 winter access policy.
  • 2021-2022 Lake Sakakawea ice fishing policy announcement

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Garrison Project, announced this week their 2021-2022 winter access policy for recreational purposes.
  • Corps of Engineers, Garrison Project announces winter access policy, entry points

    RIVERDALE, N.D. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Garrison Project announces their 2020-2021 winter access policy. This year there will be 113 entry points to Lake Sakakawea and 20 entry points to Lake Audubon. These entry points are a combination of boat ramps, shoreline access sites and freeways which are in limited development areas. A couple of these points are foot traffic only due to terrain.
  • Ice Fishing Access Policy in Effect

    Ice Fishermen: Have fun this winter and be safe; “ALWAYS, KNOW BEFORE YOU GO”. Check in with someone who is near the particular body of water where you are accessing. Bait shops, outfitters, game wardens, and public land managers are all valuable sources for ice condition updates. The policy indicating the designated areas on Lake Sakakawea is available here.