Missouri River Water Management News

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Tag: construction
  • Nebraska Tailwaters boat ramp at Gavins Point to close October 18-19 due to construction

    YANKTON, SD –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Gavins Point Project announced the temporary closure of the Nebraska Tailwaters boat ramp on Oct. 18-19 for asphalt road repairs.
  • Florence bedrock removal project on Missouri River in full swing

    Work is well underway as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, in partnership with our contractors and sub-contractors, are excavating bed rock from the Florence Bend reach portion of the Missouri River near Omaha.
  • Construction project begins below Gavins Point Dam

    A large construction contract has begun in the area below Gavins Point Dam, along Lake Yankton, near Yankton, SD. The project is to connect relief wells, which are at the bottom, or “toe” of the dam, that are designed to relieve excess water pressure on the earthen structure.
  • Omaha District works late to complete $1 billion program

    While many Omaha citizens were settling in after a relaxing weekend afternoon, on Saturday, Sept. 30, at 8:25 p.m., a dedicated group of people within the Omaha District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers worked to punch the final keys and made final certifications in order to commit the final contract action of the fiscal year 2017 district program.
  • Spillway gate repair to restart for season at Gavins Point Dam

    Repairs to the spillway gates at Gavins Point Dam near Yankton, SD are set to continue Monday, March 23. The repairs, which began in 2014, include the inspection, repair, and painting of the 14 gates. The crest road that crosses the Gavins Point dam will experience periodic road and lane closures through the duration of construction.