Or, using the campaign title....
Do you #GetthePicture about #WaterSafety?
This rebus puzzle says One2Many OmahaUSACE WaterSafety
But what's this about?
#One2Many is the Omaha District water safety campaign hashtag that was launched in 2013, and designed to communicate that one accident, one death and one unworn life jacket is too many.
Continuing the #One2Many theme, this graphic launches a year-long social media water safety game called #GetthePicture.
Each Monday, through Omaha District social media outlets, a new rebus puzzle containing a water or recreation safety message is released.
Followers can try to guess the message, and the answer is revealed each Thursday. Bonus puzzles may appear at any time. Clues such as letters or the number of words may be offered if followers need help.
Followers can submit their own Ideas for future puzzles or share experiences where a lifejacket saved a life or the life of a loved one. These stories help to share water safety messages.
Stories and ideas may be submitted to http://www.nwo.usace.army.mil/Contact/One2ManyForm.aspx
Is there a prize or an award? No.
But you might just save a life - even your own.
Release no. 20140107-001