OMAHA, Neb. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began releasing stored flood water on May 15 from Bear Creek and Cherry Creek Dams following storms on May 11-12.
The release from Bear Creek Dam was increased from 200 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 300 cfs on May 17, and will be increased to 400 cfs this afternoon. Dam operators are maintaining releases from Cherry Creek Dam at 250 cfs to lower the reservoir. Chatfield Reservoir is expected to fill a portion of the reservoir for water supply today. Releases will be increased today to supply water downstream and create additional storage space for anticipated additional mountain snowmelt runoff.
The elevations at Bear Creek, Chatfield and Cherry Creek reservoirs rose about 28 feet, 9 feet, and 10 feet, respectively, due to the higher runoff from snowmelt and rain.
Reservoir elevation data for these and other USACE operated dams are updated hourly and can be tracked online at:
While the dams cannot eliminate flooding, USACE will continue to monitor runoff and adjust releases to reduce downstream flooding. The public is urged to rely on local emergency management officials for guidance regarding flood response.
Information about dam and reservoir projects and how USACE operates them to reduce flood risk is online at:
Release no. 23-017