Missouri River Water Management News

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USACE, City of Glendive, Dawson County to host public meeting for flood risk management study in Glendive, Montana

Published April 29, 2022

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, City of Glendive, and Dawson County welcomes the public to participate in a public scoping meeting on Tuesday, May 24 to learn about the Glendive Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study. 

Glendive is located on the Yellowstone River in eastern Montana.  The purpose of the study is to evaluate alternatives to reduce flood and life safety risks in the community of Glendive, Montana.  The study is specifically focused on reducing flood risk in West Glendive, where ice jam flooding is a high risk to residents and business owners.  The West Glendive Levee, completed in 1959, was constructed by USACE to reduce risk from flooding on the Yellowstone River. 

The public meeting will include an open house and a presentation by the study team.  The team will provide an overview of the study, the purpose of the study, and the alternatives that are under consideration.  The public is encouraged to attend the open house to learn about the study and provide input.  Representatives from Montana's Department of Natural Resources and Conservation will be at the meeting to answer questions about state floodplain mapping and provide information about recent updates to the National Flood Insurance Program. 

Following the presentation, the meeting will be open to public input for the team to consider in the next stages of the study, and in the assessment of environmental and social effects of any proposed action, as conducted under the National Environmental Policy Act.

The meeting will be held at the Eastern Plains Event Center at 313 S. Merrill Avenue, Glendive, Montana.  The meeting will last from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. (MST).  The presentation will begin at approximately 6:00 p.m.

The public comment period is open for 30 days after the public meeting.  Please provide written comments through June 24, 2022, by email to cenwo-planning@usace.army.mil or postal mail at this address:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

ATTN: CENWO-PMA-C (Chris Weber)

1616 Capitol Avenue

Omaha, NE 68102


To learn more about the Glendive Flood Risk Management Study please visit:


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: CENWO-PMA-C (Chris Weber)
1616 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, NE 68102

Release no. 22-016