Missouri River Water Management News

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Campground open with limited access at Crooked Creek Recreation Area on Fort Peck Reservoir due to increased water levels

USACE, Omaha District
Published July 19, 2021

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District announced campgrounds at Crooked Creek one Fort Peck Reservoir, located northeast of Winnett, Montana, remains open with reservoir water levels slightly more than a foot and siltation in the bay. Boaters should use extreme caution when launching or entering the bay.

Fort Peck Reservoir elevation was 2,232.5 feet at the end of June.  The forecast for the end of July is 2,231.3 feet. June runoff in the upper Missouri Basin was 52% of average. Current conditions and forecasts can be found online at:  https://www.nwd.usace.army.mil/MRWM/MRWMApp/

Questions regarding camping or other recreation opportunities may be directed to the USACE natural resources staff at (406) 526-3411.

Release no. 21-048