Missouri River Water Management News

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Virtual public meeting scheduled to discuss recently released Papillion Creek Basin draft final feasibility report

USACE Omaha District
Published Jan. 28, 2021

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in cooperation with the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District, will hold a virtual public meeting Feb. 10 to present the results of the draft final feasibility report for the Papillion Creek general reevaluation study. The purpose of the study is to develop alternatives to reduce flood risks and improve public safety within the Papillion Creek Basin in Douglas, Sarpy and Washington counties.

The virtual public meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and can be accessed at: https://usace1.webex.com/meet/rachel.c.shrader. For best audio results, after opening WebEx, select the Call Me option, enter your phone number, and then click the Join Meeting button. The system will call you and ask you to enter 1 to join the meeting. 

For those who cannot log on to the WebEx, a dial-in only option exists: (844) 800-2712, access code: 199 133 0340.

“The purpose of this virtual meeting is to provide the public an opportunity to review results of the Papillion Creek general reevaluation study report before it is submitted to Lt. Gen. Scott Spellmon, 55th Chief of Engineers, Commanding General USACE, for consideration,” said Rachel Williams, a project manager with the Corps. “If approved by Lt. Gen. Spellmon, the project would be recommended to Congress for approval and funding in the next Water Resources Development Act.” 

The Water Resources Development Act is federal legislation, traditionally passed every two years, that provides authorization for USACE to study and construct flood control, ecosystem restoration and navigation projects for the benefit of the nation. The last WRDA bill to pass was in 2020.  

The draft final feasibility report, including environmental assessment and report appendices, can be downloaded at: https://www.nwo.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Planning/Planning-Projects/Papillion-GRR/ 

Up-to-date meeting details are available on the project website or by calling Amanda Grint with the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District at (402) 444-6222.

Release no. 21-007