Missouri River Water Management News

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Corps completes breach closure on levee L575 north of Percival, Iowa

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
Published June 17, 2019
Updated: June 17, 2019
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District completes an initial breach closure on levee L575 near Percival, IA June 20, 2019.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District completes an initial breach closure on levee L575 near Percival, IA June 20, 2019.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District completed an initial breach closure on levee L575 near Percival, IA Thursday.

This closure stops the inflows through this breach. The contractor will be increasing the width of the closure from a nominal width of 50 feet to a width of 500 feet. A follow-on contract, currently in source selection, will increase the height of the breach closure to provide additional flood risk reduction.

"Our USACE and Contractor team fought through tough challenges such as high water and floating debris in the river to close this critical breach and provide some protection to those affected, said Brendan Kight, PE, USACE Area Engineer. “This is a great milestone for the L575 levee system as we continue to repair the system and restore protection."

The original contract of $7.5 million was awarded to Western Contracting Corporation of Sioux City, Iowa Apr. 14, 2019, and construction began May 4.

The L575 system alone had suffered 7 total breaches, out of the upwards of 50 occurring along the Missouri River in the Omaha District’s area of responsibility.

"The closure of this breach on L575 is the second of the four priority breaches to be closed and was the first of the four to be contracted due to its importance” said Bret Budd, PE, Chief of the Omaha Systems Restoration Team. “The third priority breach at L-601, north of Bartlett, Iowa, is anticipating closure within the next week and the final priority breach, also on L-575 but located west of Hamburg, Iowa is currently scheduled for closure in late July. We are moving ahead with engineering and design to repair the remaining damaged levees that are active in the PL84-99 program that have eligible damages."

There are more than 500 miles of levees on the Missouri, Platte and Elkhorn rivers, and tributaries that have experienced significant flood damage since March 2019. Due to the magnitude of damage along these levees, repair of the levee system efforts will take an extended period of time to execute. Levees must be active in the Public Law 84-99 program to be eligible for federal funding for repairs.

Omaha District’s focus remains on ensuring the safety of citizens and communicating the conditions on the river systems to all of our partners and stakeholders. The Corps continues to provide flood fight assistance to state, local and tribal government agencies.

For regular updates on the repair efforts to flood control structures in the Missouri River Basin, visit the Omaha District’s System Restoration web page at:

Related release: https://www.nwo.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Releases/Article/1813876/corps-awards-contract-for-initial-breach-repair-for-portion-of-levee-l-575/

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
1616 Capitol Ave. Omaha, NE 68102

Release no. 19-087