Missouri River Water Management News

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Jamestown and Pipestem Reservoirs Update

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
Published April 22, 2019
Updated: April 22, 2019

Inflows to Jamestown Reservoir due to snowmelt have remained higher than expected. As a result, reservoir water releases will increase to 600 cubic-feet-per-second on April 22.

The Jamestown Reservoir is currently has a pool elevation of 1438.3 feet which is approximately 15% of the reservoir’s capacity.  Inflows to the reservoir are nearing 700 cfs.  Basin conditions and inflows to the reservoir are continuously evaluated and adjustments to future releases will be made, as needed, to evacuate the flood storage by the target date of June 1, 2019.  Jamestown Dam is owned and operated by the Bureau of Reclamation and releases from the flood pool are directed by the Army Corps of Engineers.

Pipestem Reservoir is currently at a pool elevation 1467.9 feet which is approximately 30% of the reservoir’s capacity.  Inflows are currently near 300 cfs with a low level water quality releases of 10 cfs.  Once ice cover completely melts off of the reservoir, water quality releases will be lowered to 0 cfs.  Pipestem Reservoir releases will be increased later in the year to evacuate flood storage by a target date of September 1, 2019.  Combined maximum releases out of Jamestown and Pipestem Reservoirs are not expected to exceed 750 cfs.  Pipestem Dam is owned and operated by the Army Corps of Engineers.

High river flows continue downstream of Jamestown into South Dakota on the James River, and conditions on the entire James River basin are considered in determining project releases.

For additional information, please contact the Omaha District Public Affairs Office at (402) 995-2417.

Release no. 19-044