Missouri River Water Management News

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Public meeting scheduled on Emmons County, ND – City of Linton - Planning Assistance to States study

Published March 20, 2019

OMAHA, NE — The Omaha District, in cooperation with the City of Linton, will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at the Linton Community Center, 101 1st Street NE, Linton, ND. The purpose of the meeting is to present results of the recently completed Emmons County Planning Assistance to States (PAS) study conducted in partnership with the North Dakota State Water Commission (NDSWC) and the Emmons County Water Resources Board.

The public meeting will run from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. with a brief presentation at 6:30 p.m. describing the study and study findings. “During the open house, the cooperating agencies will provide the public with a study overview and the study results, followed by a question and answer session related to the flooding issues in Linton due to Beaver and Spring Creeks,” said Ron Beyer, project manager with the Corps of Engineers. “The Corps, NDSWC and the City will also discuss study recommendations and next steps for the Linton community.”

BACKGROUND: The city of Linton has experienced frequent flooding since the 1950s with the most recent event on March 24, 2009 when the snowpack melted quicker than usual due to a sudden warm-up which was compounded by rainfall during the same time. As a result, Beaver Creek and Spring Creek produced record flooding in Linton that caused significant damage. The primary purpose of the Emmons County PAS study is to update technical hydrologic flood modeling and mapping data and develop tools to assist the community with evaluating potential cost-effective flood risk management solutions. 

Omaha District Public Affairs Office

Release no. UNRELEASED