Missouri River Water Management News

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USACE preparing Highway 12 Environmental Impact Statement

Published March 6, 2019

OMAHA, Neb. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Omaha District is beginning work on a supplemental draft environmental impact statement for the Highway 12 road project in Knox County, Nebraska.  USACE received a letter from the Nebraska Department of Transportation in November 2018, indicating that NDOT intends to pursue a road rehabilitation project on the existing road that maximizes the use of the existing roadway, raising the road to the 100-year flood elevation.  NDOT is proposing to construct the project under traffic.  NDOT’s proposed project is smaller in scope and lower in roadway elevation than alternatives previously evaluated in the 2015 Draft EIS, but located within the same geographic area. 

A 2015 Draft EIS of previous alternatives was released on Oct. 9, 2015, containing four alternatives designed to the 100-year elevation, 50 years out.  The draft EIS was in response to NDOT’s Section 404 (Clean Water Act) application for Alternative A7, located at the base of the bluffs.  A public hearing was held on November 9, 2015.  After hearing public concerns, the NDOT withdrew their application for A7, indicating that they would continue to work with the public on a different alternative.

USACE will be preparing a notice of intent to prepare a supplemental draft EIS for the Federal Register, anticipated to be published by late March.  The NOI will have additional information on NDOT’s proposed project and alternatives, and will include an invitation for the public to comment on the proposal.  In addition, another press release will be sent out concurrent with the NOI, requesting public comment.

Rebecca Latka

Release no. 19-022