Missouri River Water Management News

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Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee celebrates 10-year anniversary

Published Nov. 13, 2018

OMAHA, Neb.—The Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee is celebrating the 10-year anniversary of its formation in conjunction with its fall plenary meeting scheduled Nov. 27-29.

“Since its initial meeting in September 2008, MRRIC has sought to understand the complex scientific uncertainties associated with species recovery and to make recommendations on management actions to benefit the listed species that people with widely different perspectives can live with,” said MRRIC Chair, Gail Bingham. “While the challenges are great, the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service and MRRIC are working together to implement a plan that combines scientific research, actions based on best available science, and monitoring the results of those actions so adjustments can be made over time to increase the likelihood of success.”

The meeting will be at the Kansas City Hilton Airport, Kansas City, Missouri, beginning at 8 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 27, and concluding at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 29. The draft MRRIC meeting agenda can be found online at https://www.nwo.usace.army.mil/mrrp/mrric/. The main purpose of the plenary meeting is to continue to develop a shared understanding about the Missouri River Recovery Program that includes current recovery actions underway in the Missouri River Basin.

Congress authorized MRRIC in Section 5018 of the 2007 Water Resources Development Act.

In July 2008, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, John Paul Woodley, signed the Implementation Guidance for Section 5018 of WRDA 2007, thus approving the Charter for MRRIC and establishing the Committee.

At the meeting, MRRIC also will hear from USACE and USFWS scientists and the Committee’s Independent Science Advisory Panel about the development of new monitoring programs to inform the Missouri River Recovery Program’s activities.  The Committee also will discuss findings from recent monitoring and scientific studies conducted as part of implementation of the MRRP’s Science and Adaptive Management Plan. 

The plenary sessions of this meeting are open to members of the public who will have an opportunity at the end of each daily session to address the committee and the lead federal agencies—the Corps of Engineers and US Fish and Wildlife Service.

MRRIC is a 70-member committee comprised of stakeholders and representatives of tribal, state and federal governments throughout the Missouri River Basin. This committee provides recommendations to federal agencies on the current and future activities of the MRRP. The committee makes its substantive recommendations by consensus. The committee meets regularly at various locations throughout the Missouri River Basin.

For additional information regarding the MRRIC, please contact Ms. Gail Bingham, committee chair, by e-mail at mrric@usace.army.mil. Information about the Missouri River recovery effort is available online at https://www.nwo.usace.army.mil/mrrp/mrric/.


Dr. Michael Izard-Carroll, USACE Public Affairs
1616 Capitol Ave. Omaha, NE 68102
Gail Bingham, MRRIC Chair

Release no. 18-081