Missouri River Water Management News

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Project to map groundwater aquifers will have you looking in the sky

Published May 9, 2017
Scientific equipment is towed about 100 feet below the helicopter in a 'spider web' array to map geologic structures beneath the ground surface.

Scientific equipment is towed about 100 feet below the helicopter in a 'spider web' array to map geologic structures beneath the ground surface.

Scientific equipment is attached and ready for the system to be lifted off.

Scientific equipment is attached and ready for the system to be lifted off.

A close-up view of the digital airborne time-domain electromagnetic geophysical survey equipment.

A close-up view of the digital airborne time-domain electromagnetic geophysical survey equipment.

Beginning May 22 these instruments mounted below a helicopter will collect and record geologic measurements.

Beginning May 22 these instruments mounted below a helicopter will collect and record geologic measurements.

OMAHA, Neb. – Residents of Laramie County, Wyoming will be looking to the sky over Belvoir Ranch, as a contracted helicopter will be making low-level flights in a couple weeks towing a large hexagonal frame. However, it is not an aerial lassoing competition. This unique equipment is part of a project to map groundwater aquifers and subsurface geology in the area. 

Extensive Field Effort

Beginning approximately May 22 and lasting up to one week, instruments mounted below a helicopter will collect and record geologic measurements to learn more about aquifers and the geology southwest of Cheyenne.

In its continuing effort under the Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) program, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Omaha District has contracted to have a digital airborne time-domain electromagnetic geophysical survey flown to support their environmental investigation process. The area to be flown extends from I-80 south to approximately the Wyoming-Colorado border; and from I-25 west to Harriman Road.  

The Process

Scientific equipment is towed about 100 feet below the helicopter in a ‘spider web’ array and is designed to map geologic structures beneath the ground surface. The helicopter will be manned by experienced pilots who are specially trained for low-level flying with this equipment. All operations will be conducted in accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration regulations.  

Moving Forward

These airborne survey measurements will provide supporting data for the Area-wide Remedial Investigation involving the former Atlas “D” Missile Site 4, F. E. Warren Air Force Base (AFB), Laramie County, Wyoming (Site 4). This investigation is being conducted under the Corps Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) program in cooperation with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) and the property owners.  

To stay on top of ongoing information regarding the Environmental Response Program please visit the website at: http://www.atlassite4.com/       


Omaha District Public Affairs Office

Release no. 17-042