Missouri River Water Management News

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Raptor programs still on, but eagle a no show for Bald Eagle Days.

Published Feb. 16, 2017
A SOAR representative shows off just one of the raptors during the 2016 Bald Eagle Days at the Lewis and Clark Visitor Center, Gavins Point Dam.

A SOAR representative shows off just one of the raptors during the 2016 Bald Eagle Days at the Lewis and Clark Visitor Center, Gavins Point Dam.

Yankton, SD – For the second year there will be no eagle at Bald Eagle Days at the Lewis and Clark Visitor Center. Programs scheduled for Friday, February 17 through Sunday, February 19 will go on with other birds of prey.

“These things happen,” says Park Ranger Karla Zeutenhorst who organizes the event for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. “Of course we are disappointed. Visitors look forward to this free event and being able to see a live bald eagle up close.”

Last year the raptor rehabilitators at SOAR (Saving our Avian Recourses) did not bring the bald eagle because it was showing signs of stress. This year it was the eagle handlers that had an emergency. Federal laws are very specific that only licensed handlers are allowed to work with and show live eagles.

“When people came to the program last year we let them know there was no bald eagle,” said Zeutenhorst. “While some people were disappointed going into the show, they were thrilled coming out. They were still able to see a great show with different owls, falcons, and a hawk.” The raptor handlers decide what bird to bring the day of the event based on the bird’s health and temperament. Even birds can have a bad day!

Programs are still expected to fill up fast so visitors are asked to come up to an hour early. Seating is first-come, first-served and no reservations are accepted.

SOAR programs:
Friday: 4 and 6 p.m.
Saturday: 9 and 11 a.m. & 1 and 3 p.m.
Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m. & 1 and 3 p.m.

For more information contact the Lewis and Clark Visitor Center at 402-667-2546.

Lewis and Clark Visitor Center

Release no. 17-017