L594 Levee Restoration Information

Background: The L575-594 Benton-Washington – Pleasant Valley - Waubonsie Levee System experienced significant damage during the 2019 Flood Event.  This led to five (5) breaches, along with substantial other damages, occurring throughout the Levee System.

Current Action: Design and construct levee rehabilitation to authorized level of flood risk management. 

Restoration Activities:


Initial Breach Repair #1 – 1.25 mi. SW of Bartlett, IA

Initial Breach Repair #2 – 0.4 mi. S of Bartlett, IA

Outlet Breach Repairs – W of Thurman, IA


Diamond Group Engineering from Santa Ana, CA

Iron Mike - Bristol HVB, LLC of Centennial, CO

Klutina River Contractors of Irvine, CA

Contract Amount


$4.7 Million

$12 Million

Contract Award

May 20, 2019

September 16, 2019

December 17, 2019

Construction Start

May 21, 2019

September 16, 2019

January 6, 2020


July 1, 2019

October 28, 2019

March 2020


Status Updates:

03 February 2021 – The contractor is approximately 85 percent complete with the final levee repair efforts currently under contract. The setback on the Aldon Bar Missouri River Recovery Program site was completed on 25 September 2020. Overall project work is expected to be complete by 01 March 2021.

08 September 2020 – The contractor is approximately 75 percent complete with the final levee repair efforts currently under contract, including the setback on the Aldon Bar Missouri River Recovery Program site.

16 July 2020 – The contractor is approximately 98 percent complete with the interim levee repair project. The team is also working with the levee sponsor to determine real estate requirements for the final repair efforts.

10 June 2020 – The contractor is approximately 97 percent complete with the interim levee repair project. Restoration efforts of the clay borrow sites are continuing. The team is also working to complete the design for the final levee repair project, with construction expected to begin mid-summer 2020.

08 May 2020 – The contractor has brought all of the breach locations to full height with cohesive material on the riverside and crest and is approximately 95 percent complete with the interim levee repair project. Restoration efforts of the clay borrow sites will begin next week.

23 April 2020 – The contractor has brought all of the breach locations to full height with cohesive material on the riverside and crest and is approximately 90 percent complete with the interim levee repair project.

10 April 2020 – The contractor has brought all of the breach locations to full height with cohesive material on the riverside and crest and is approximately 90 percent complete with the interim levee repair project.

16 March 2020 – The contractor is nearly complete with repairing riverside scour damage along the levee and is working on repairing ruts along the levee crest.

04 March 2020 – As of 01 March 2020, the entire L-594 levee system has been restored to full height which is a critical milestone in levee repairs. The team will continue with repair activities to restore the levee system to its pre-flood condition.

13 February 2020 – The contractor completed all initial closures on the outlet breaches and is now placing an average of 22,000 cubic yards of sand a day to bring the outlet breach areas on the levee to full height.

31 January 2020 – The contractor closed two of the three outlet breaches along the L-594 levee system on 25 January 2020. The final remaining outlet breach was closed on 29 January 2020.

10 January 2020 – The contractor began the interim levee repair work on 06 January 2020 and is expected to be complete with the outlet breach repairs by the beginning of March 2020.

18 December 2019 – The contract for L-594 interim repairs was awarded on 12 December 2019 to Klutina River Contractors of Irvine, CA in the amount of $12.1 million. The pre-construction meeting was held on 17 December 2019.

06 December 2019 – The contractor is mining cohesive material to place on the breach closure section and is anticipated to demobilize from the project site by the end of the month. Proposals for the interim repair contract were received on 22 November 2019, and it is anticipated that the contract will be awarded mid-December.

22 November 2019 – The contractor is mining cohesive material to place on the breach closure section and is anticipated to demobilize from the project site by the end of the month. The follow-on interim repair contract has been advertised with proposals due by 22 November 2019. It is anticipated that this follow-on contract will be awarded in early December.

08 November 2019 – The priority breach closure was completed on 28 October. The contractor is finalizing several remaining items and is scheduled to demobilize from the project site by the end of the month. A follow-on contract for interim repairs to increase the resiliency of the damaged levee system is currently being developed.

24 October 2019 The contractor has closed the eastern half of the northern inlet breach and is anticipating having the entire breach closed by the end of the month. This closure will provide an interim level of flood risk management benefits to the area behind the levee.

18 October 2019 – The east side of Breach A, the breach is divided by the railroad tracks, was closed on Oct. 12. It is anticipated that the west side of the breach will be closed later this month, providing an interim level of flood risk management benefits to the area behind the levee system.

13 October 2019 - The team is anticipating closing the northern (A) breach in the next few weeks pending no significant weather impacts. 

27 September 2019 – The interim repair contract was awarded to Iron Mike - Bristol HVB, LLC of Centennial, CO for $4,710,696 on 16 September 2019 with a period of performance of 90 calendar days. Waubonsie Creek was temporarily closed by the Contractor on 19 September 2019 to allow for repair work on the northern "A" breach.

13 September 2019 – Proposals for the interim repair contract on the L-594 system were received on 09 Sep 2019.  The team is now working through the contracting process to award the construction contract.

06 September 2019 – The official Request for Proposals was sent out to the pre-qualified contractor pool on 27 Aug 2019. The pre-bid site walk was conducted on 04 Sep 2019 and the proposals are due on 10 Sep 2019.

29 August 2019 – The draft scope of work for completing the next phase of repairs of the L-594 levee system has been developed and the team is issuing the formal Request for Proposals (RFP) in the next few days.

23 August 2019 – The draft scope of work for completing the next phase of repairs of the L-594 levee system has been developed and the team is working towards awarding the construction contract associated with these repairs.

13 Aug 2019 – The Draft scope of work is being finalized by the team.

05 Aug 2019 – All work at the first breach is complete and the contractor has demobilized from the site. The scope of work is under development for the initial breach repair at the second (northern) priority breach. 

31 July 2019 – All work is complete on Breach B and the final inspection was held on 01 July 2019.  The scope of work is under development for the initial breach repair at Breach A. 

22 July 2019 – The team continues to develop a plan for initial repairs to the other identified priority breach on the L-594 system.

08 July 2019 – All work on the first breach is complete and the final inspection was held on 01 July 2019.  The team is now developing a plan for initial repairs to the other identified priority breach on the L-594 system.

20 June 2019 – The first priority breach was initially closed on 13 June 2019.  This repair restores this section of the levee system to its pre-flood elevation.  Only minor finishing work remains before this construction contract is complete.

12 June 2019 – The contractor resumed work on the breach 1-1/4 miles SW of Bartlett, IA on 5 June following the late May high water event. Current plan is to repair damaged levee crest ruts and initially close breach within the next week.


NOAA Water Gauge Levels

L594 Imagery

Video Gallery

Video by Michael Glasch
Aerial view of Levee L594 Apr. 15, 2019
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
April 15, 2019 | 9:13
Aerial view of Levee L594 Apr. 15, 2019, following March 2019 runoff event. (Video by Mike Glasch)