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Expand List item 3118Collapse List item 3118  Downstream Campground, Fort Peck Dam, Montana
Downstream Campground is located just below Fort Peck Dam on the Missouri River in northeastern Montana. Recreation enthusiasts and sportsmen enjoy the beauty of Fort Peck Lake's 1,500 miles of shoreline. A variety of high quality outdoor activities are available, including camping, boating, fishing, hunting, sightseeing and wildlife viewing.
Expand List item 3119Collapse List item 3119  Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, Montana
The Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge extendings 125 airline miles up the Missouri River from Fort Peck Dam in north-central Montana, the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge contains approximately 1,100,000 acres, including the 245,000-acre Fort Peck Reservoir. The refuge provides a rare opportunity to experience wild lands and wildlife in a natural setting. Visitors to the Refuge can enjoy Refuge wildlife and scenic grandeur in nearly the same surroundings as encountered by the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1805. The Refuge includes native prairies, forested coulees, river bottoms, and badlands so often portrayed in the paintings of Charlie Russell, the colorful western artist for whom the refuge is named.
Expand List item 3120Collapse List item 3120  Upper Missouri Breaks National Monument &
Upper Missouri National Wild and Scenic River, Montana
The Upper Missouri Breaks National Monument and National Wild and Scenic River contain a spectacular array of biological, geological, and historical objects of interest. From Fort Benton upstream into the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument spans 149 miles river that has been preserved in a natural free-flowing state remaining largely unchanged in the nearly 200 years since Meriwether Lewis and William Clark traveled through it on their epic journey. The Breaks country, and portions of Arrow Creek, Antelope Creek and the Judith River produce a range of wildlife from elk to coyotes to big horn sheep. In 1976, Congress designated the Missouri River segment and corridor in this area a National Wild and Scenic River (Public Law 94-486, 90 Stat. 2327). The monument also encompasses segments of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, the Nez Perce National Historic Trail and the Cow Creek Island Area of Critical Environmental Concern.*
*Presidential Proclamation.