Project Reports

Tag: Section 595
  • Draft EA - Section 595, Big Timber Creek Bank Stabilization, Sweet Grass County, MT

    Expiration date: 4/24/2021

    The draft EA evaluates the impacts of placing approximately 150 linear feet of riprap rock revetment along the left (east) bank of the Big Timber Creek to stabilize an actively eroding bank that is imminently threatening Wormser Loop Road and causing sedimentation issues within Big Timber Creek, an important surface water resource for communities in Sweet Grass County, MT.

  • Draft EA - Water Treatment Improvements, Whitehall, MT

    Expiration date: 8/15/2020

    The draft EA evaluates a proposal to improve an existing city building to accommodate the installation of a new ion exchange water treatment system to address uranium in the water supply. The project would also include making improvements to an existing water tank and distribution system. The purpose of the project is to provide clean drinking water to the residents of Whitehall by removing excess levels of arsenic and uranium.

  • Power-Teton County Water System Improvements Draft EA

    Expiration date: 4/13/2020

    The proposed project includes improving the current water distribution system in order to provide clean water and reliable service to residents of Power, MT.
  • Plentywood Wastewater System Draft Environmental Assessment

    Expiration date: 2/11/2020

    The proposed project is needed in order to address deterioration in the current wastewater collection system including broken clay and concrete pipes and to provide reliable service to city residents.

  • Lockwood Water Treatment Plant Project Draft EA

    Expiration date: 1/20/2020

    The proposed project is needed in order to address evidence of bacteria in the water supply and provide clean, potable drinking water to the growing community in accordance with safe drinking water guidance.