Summary: The draft EA analyzes environmental impacts of completing maintenance and stabilization activities to prevent damage to two existing crude oil pipelines, the Ramberg to Mandan and Berthold Pipelines, due to erosion from wave, wind and ice action of the Little Missouri River in Dunn County, N.D. The Ramberg-Mandan pipeline extends from Ramberg Station (south of Tioga) to the refinery in Mandan, N.D. and the Berthold pipeline extends from the Johnson’s Corner area (east of Watford City) to Dunn Center Station (east of Dunn Center, N.D.).
The proposed project would utilize a combination of riprap and grout bags to provide the required depth of cover (48 inches) and stabilization to approximately 125 linear feet of existing Ramberg to Mandan pipeline. The Berthold Pipeline portion of the proposed project would involve partial removal of 320 linear feet of pipeline on the south and north shores of the Little Missouri River, cleaning and capping the remaining pipeline, which will be left in place. There is approximately 160 linear feet of pipeline on the north shore and 160 linear feet of pipeline on the south shore that would undergo this process.
Geographic Scope: Little Missouri River near Lake Sakakawea, ND
Decision: Made following close of comment period.