Project Name: Platte River Section 205 Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study
Location: Fremont, Nebraska
Authority: Section 205 of the Flood Control Act of 1948, as amended
Partners: Lower Platte North Natural Resources District, City of Fremont, Village of Inglewood, Dodge County
Current Phase: Feasibility
The City of Fremont, Village of Inglewood and the Dodge County Industrial Park lie in the floodplain of the Platte River in eastern Nebraska. Fremont, adjacent Inglewood, and unincorporated areas of Dodge County are subject to the threat of ice-affected flooding, flooding from snowmelt runoff, and flooding from rainfall runoff from the Platte River. Flooding due to ice jams constitute the majority of the flood risk in the area.
The Omaha District and study partners held an information meeting on Monday, July 24, 2017 at Christensen Field in Fremont to discuss potential nonstructural flood risk management solutions that could reduce the community’s flood risk and incidentally may reduce flood insurance premiums.
Project Update: The Omaha District, in cooperation with the City of Fremont, will host a virtual meeting on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 from 7-9pm, to present results of the draft Feasibility Report. The meeting will be hosted by the City of Fremont via Zoom (Meeting ID is 95037694771). Meeting details, including a link to the draft report, can be found on For additional information, please email