The published documents regarding the Chatfield Reservoir Storage Reallocation Project have been placed in a collection with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Digital Library.
Project Scope: The Corps of Engineers, with local sponsorship from the Colorado Water Conservation Board, is investigating the feasibility of reallocating storage from the flood control purpose to joint flood control-conservation purposes in the Chatfield Reservoir under the authority of - Section 808 (Water Resources Development Act of 1986); River and Harbor Act of 1958.
These joint purposes include water supply storage, recreation opportunities and fish and wildlife habitat protection. The Corps and CWCB are coordinating closely with water providers and various stakeholders.
The scope of the Chatfield Reallocation Study focuses on natural and cultural resources within the existing Chatfield Reservoir and how the proposed action and alternatives could affect those resources. Much of the analysis will focus on the effects of water levels in the reservoir, including the increase in elevation and the fluctuations associated with regular operations. The analysis of the proposed action and alternatives for this project varies by resource but generally identifies the key concerns identified during the scoping process for each resource. For example, the analysis will include parameters such as:
- the acreage of upland and wetland habitat inundated or otherwise impacted;
- an assessment of the effects on recreational activities (e.g., boating, fishing) and facilities (e.g., boat ramps, picnic tables); and
- the effects of water levels on aquatic habitat.
Socioeconomic resources are considered on a regional basis and include the impact of change to Chatfield State Park, concessions operating within it and the socioeconomic effects of water storage within and outside of Chatfield Reservoir. The analysis also identifies mitigation measures aimed at avoiding or minimizing impacts to particular resources.