Archive: February, 2016
  • February

    Invaders: “The truth is out there”

    In the real world, invaders ARE among us and this week, February 21-27, has been National Invasive Species Awareness week. The invasive species aren’t from another planet though. Across the United States, various invasive species threaten our natural ecosystems. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages 12 million acres of public land and is the largest provider of water-based outdoor recreation in the nation with 403 lakes and river projects in 43 states totaling 55,390 miles of shoreline.
  • Team supporting Veterans Affairs receives 2015 USACE Excellence in Contracting Award

    The Aurora Veterans Affairs Hospital Replacement Alpha Contract Team was named the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ 2015 Procurement Team of the Year in the Excellence in Contracting Awards Program. The nucleus of the team included employees from USACE’s Omaha District and the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville.

News from around USACE

Viet Nguyen Comes Full Circle
Viet Nguyen, a program manager at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Fort Worth District, has managed critical programs and projects around the world, including during three deployments, as a...
Omaha District hosts dam safety and emergency response exercise with Denver area partners
Two joint exercises simulating potentially catastrophic flood events affecting the Denver metropolitan area were held February 26-27 at the Mile High Flood District headquarters in Denver, Colorado...
Shenango’s workforce never stops to upgrade campsites, improve federal lands ahead of recreational season
While the winter chill blankets the Shenango River Lake, park rangers and maintenance crews never stop working to improve visitors’ experiences ahead of the recreational season...
USACE Aviation Program Office: Enhancing Efficiency and Compliance in UAS Operations
The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Aviation Program Office (APO) plays a pivotal role in advancing crewed and uncrewed aviation missions across the organization. Established to meet the...