  • May

    Corps of Engineers leveraging drone technology to capture imagery after flooding in Midwest

    In mid-to-late March, flood water covered much of eastern Nebraska, western Iowa, and northern Missouri. Due to the extreme amount of water in the area, members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District had trouble getting to the more than 500 miles of compromised levees to surveille for damage so they turned to a new option to the Omaha District....drones. Drones, or unmanned aerial systems, offer the District the opportunity to fly over affected levees and other flooded areas without putting District employees in danger.
  • Omaha District System Restoration Team in full swing bringing levee system back up

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District responded to the devastating unregulated runoff event of 2019 by activating the Omaha Systems Restoration Team, whose mission is to provide regional, time-sensitive repair of levees, dams and other flood control structures that were damaged throughout the Missouri River Basin.
  • February

    Popularity of annual ‘Bald Eagle Days’ soars

    Amidst the murmur of the eager spectators strolling around and looking at the many wildlife exhibits at the Lewis and Clark Visitor Center near Yankton, South Dakota, three avian performers await their moment in the spotlight.
  • January

    Public service is a lifestyle choice some embrace fully

    The phone rings. It’s a concerned citizen who wants to know when a pothole on her street will be fixed. A pinging text alert reminds that a fundraiser event is tonight. An email pops up into her inbox. It’s a man complaining about his neighbor’s dog. It’s only 6:45 a.m. but as Councilmember Melissa Head slips into her shoes and heads out the door, she knows it’s going to be a busy day, like most of her days.
  • 2018 ushers in major milestones for the Missouri River Recovery Program

    The efforts of those involved in the Missouri River Recovery Program culminated in several significant milestones in 2018, including receiving a biological opinion with a “no-jeopardy” finding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, signing the Missouri River Recovery Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement Record of Decision, as well as the Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee’s 10-year anniversary celebration.

News from around USACE

Leaders use continual improvement approach to support safety culture
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (July 26, 2024) – With very large construction and operations projects in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District, creating a safe workplace is critical to mission...
Balancing Contracts and Contests: The Dual Life of a Bodybuilding Mom
Glenda Canty effortlessly balances two distinct roles with precision: by day, she oversees the allocation of Civil Works contracts for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District as a...
City of Hampton and USACE sign agreement to unite for coastal resiliency
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Norfolk District, and the City of Hampton signed a Feasibility Cost Share Agreement on Friday, July 26 to kick off the Peninsula Coastal Storm Risk Management...
Jesse Pennington, Buffalo District engineer ready to tackle a new career
7/26/2024 UPDATED
Starting a new career and moving to a new city after graduating from college can be a scary and daunting step for anyone to take. Recent University of Akron graduate, Jesse Pennington, is ready to...