Project Reports

Supplemental Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact - Deroin Bend Chute Maintenance

Published July 2, 2015
Expiration date: 8/3/2015

Title: Supplemental Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact - Deroin Bend Chute Maintenance, Holt County, Missouri

Summary: Repairs are needed to prevent continued erosion of the chute caused by the 2011 Missouri River Flood and maintain the chute's design footprint. Proposed repairs include the installation of six new dike structures designed to slow water velocities, accrete sediments, and help maintain the chute’s designed alignment. In addition, existing Missouri River dike structure (L560.3), located at approximate Missouri River mile 519, would be modified in order to increase the size of the chute opening ensuring it maintains its designed alignment.

Geographic Scope: Left descending bank of the Missouri River between Missouri River miles 519 and 517 in Holt County, Missouri.

Impacts: None

Decision/Date: Made following close of public comment period.