Summary: The draft environmental assessment evaluates the environmental impacts of constructing a 2,800-foot deep well to provide safe, reliable drinking water for rural communities in Judith Basin County, Montana.
The proposed project would include constructing a water supply well for the Musselshell-Judith Rural Water System. The 8.75-inch diameter well would be drilled approximately 2,800 feet deep into the Madison Aquifer and would be tested with a 72-hour pump test to determine how many gallons per minute can be extracted. To prepare for the well construction, approximately one acre will be cleared, and topsoil removed and stockpiled on site. A drill rig will be stationed to begin drilling within the cleared area (well pad). Cuttings (soil and rocks) removed during the drilling will be spread out over the cleared area.
Geographic Scope: Judith Basin County, Montana
Decision/Date: Made following close of public comment period