Summary: The proposed plan would restore approximately 2.4 miles of degraded ecosystem along the South Platte River in Denver, Colorado. The proposed plan includes (1) placement of in-stream structures such as boulder clusters and riffles to provide habitat and shelter for fish and other aquatic organisms, (2) restoration of wetland, riparian and floodplain habitats to increase connectivity of upstream and downstream reaches of the South Platte River, and (3) modification of the current drop structure near Overland Pond Park and Excel Energy to improve fish passage. The plan also includes recreation features that complement the ecosystem restoration components of the project including a viewing platform, boardwalk connecting the Regional Trail to restored areas of Grant Frontier Park and interpretive educational signage.
Geographic Scope: South Platte River, from West Mississippi Avenue upstream to West Yale Avenue, in Denver, Colorado
Impacts: None
Decision/Date: Finding of No Significant Impact/September 27, 2018