Summary: The draft EA evaluates the environmental impacts of installing filters to address potential seepage issues at the following dam sites: Olive Creek, Wagon Train, Stage Coach, and Pawnee. The proposed construction activities include excavating earthen material around the conduit on the downstream slope of each dam and installing a filter of granular material along the conduit to allow for the filtered exit of any potential seepage. Risk reduction measures will be incorporated into the design to eliminate blowout concerns during excavation.
This EA also assesses the impacts of Nebraska Game and Parks Commission boat ramp improvements and a fishery renovation project at Stagecoach Dam. The boat ramp improvements include installation of a breakwater, removing the existing ramp and placing a realigned ramp and canoe launch with ADA features, and adding gravel to the dam and spillway road surface to improve access. The purpose of this proposed project is to improve boating access and fishing quality at Stagecoach State Recreational Area.
Geographic Scope: Lancaster County, Nebraska - Olive Creek Dam Site 2 (located on Olive Branch of Salt Creek, approximately four miles southwest of Sprague), Wagon Train Dam Site 8 (located on Hickman Branch of Salt Creek, approximately two miles east of Hickman), Stage Coach Dam Site 9 (located on south tributary of the Hickman Branch of Salt Creek, approximately one mile south of Hickman) and Pawnee Dam Site 14 (located on the North Branch Middle Creek approximately four miles northwest of Lincoln)
Impacts: None
Decision/Date: Made following close of public comment period.