The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District (Corps), is evaluating a permit application submitted by Westwood Professional Services to expand an existing open pit quarry that would impact wetlands. The applicant is proposing to expand an existing open pit quarry in Minnehaha County, South Dakota for the purpose of mining quartzite. The project would be located on 232.5 acres and consist of the realignment of an existing access road in the site and the realignment of 2,937 linear feet of an unnamed intermittent tributary to Split Rock Creek to facilitate access to the whole of the site for the open pit quarry. Mining is currently underway within the southern portion of the project area. The proposed project would result in impacts to 6,778 linear feet of jurisdictional stream and 10.52 acres of jurisdictional riparian wetlands adjacent to the stream corridor. Based on the available information, the overall project purpose is to provide quartzite aggregate for construction and transportation projects in the Sioux Falls, South Dakota region. The applicant’s project purpose, as stated in the application, is to mine the large quartzite deposits in the area to support future construction and transportation projects in the Sioux Falls, South Dakota region.