The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, (Corps) is evaluating a permit modification request for the Wattenberg Lakes Aggregate Mining project, which would result in the discharge of fill material into the South Platte River, Huett Ditch, Lupton Slough, and their associated wetlands. The proposed modification consists of the construction of a spillway and bank stabilization along the South Platte River, removal of Pond 2 as a reservoir, expansion of Pond 1 to encompass the water storage of Pond 2, and changes to the mitigation plan. The work will result in an additional impact to 1.63 acres of wetlands and 0.36 acre of the South Platte River. In addition, 5.34 acres of wetlands north of Pond 1 was used as a staging area. This notice is to inform interested parties of the proposed activity and to solicit comments.