Tag: Flood Recovery
  • July

    Leading the charge against the June 2024 Missouri River floods

    When the Missouri River and its tributaries rose above flood stage in late June, the damaging flood waters required an aggressive response and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District led the charge of that response.
  • October

    Omaha District executes historic $1.65 billion program

    There were many challenges this year; recovering from the catastrophic Lower Missouri River Basin flooding event of 2019, protecting the workforce and public safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, and hurricane first responder deployments. But in the face of unprecedented adversity, USACE Omaha District rose to each challenge through leveraging industrious teamwork and continuing to successfully support its worldwide missions. The District ended the year executing its largest program ever at $1.65 billion.

News from around USACE

Japan Engineer District begins pilot Japanese intern program
For the last several weeks, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan Engineer District (USACE JED) has been a bit more scholarly than usual – perhaps in part due to the District’s participation in the...
Japan Engineer District Stands Up Inaugural SFRG
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan Engineer District (USACE JED) Headquarters stood up their first ever Soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG) recently at Camp Zama after having established...
Rising Star brings Value Engineering to JED
Kenji Hayashi, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan Engineer District’s (USACE JED) Value Engineering Officer (VEO), was recently awarded the USACE ‘Value Engineering Professional of the Year...
Japan Engineer District Reorganizes
A historic re-organization has occurred within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan Engineer District (USACE JED)...