Access to Fort Peck Spillway is limited

Published May 15, 2018
Fort Peck Spillway at Fort Peck Dam Montana

Fort Peck Spillway at Fort Peck Dam Montana.

On May 10, 2018, the US Army Corps of Engineers began discharging water through the Fort Peck Spillway.  Initial flows are set at 2,500 cubic feet per second (cfs) but may increase as lake elevations and precipitation conditions warrant. 

To ensure public safety around the spillway structure, access to certain areas of the spillway will be closed or will remain closed. Until further notice, the public will only be permitted to access the overlook on the West side of the spillway structure or stop at the parking area immediately east of the Spillway on the south side of Montana Highway 24.  From this parking area, the public may access the Spillway Bridge Deck sidewalks adjacent to Highway 24 and the east lower spillway overlook via the stairs.  All other areas of the Spillway Structure are closed to public access.  Boaters are prohibited from approaching the Spillway beyond the established buoy line in the Spillway Bay on the south side of the spillway structure. For everyone’s safety, vehicles will not be permitted to stop anywhere on the Spillway road deck or park along the edge of the road on or near the Spillway structure.      

To facilitate these closures, the following numbered roads within the Charles M. National Wildlife Refuge road system will be posted as “ROAD CLOSED” or “ROAD CLOSED: Authorized Vehicles Only” including Road 341 closed (also closed to pedestrians), Road 340 closed at intersection with road 341 near bottom of spillway channel, and Road 361 closed at the gate and fence line approaching west side of the spillway channel.

Also, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) would like to remind the public that the operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) or drones for any purpose is prohibited on and above all USACE lands or facilities.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers request that the public honor and respect these closures and restrictions. 

Any questions regarding activities in the area may be directed to the Fort Peck Administration Building at 406-526-3411.

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