Albany County, WY: Former Pole Mountain Target and Maneuver Area,

Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Program

Published April 16, 2015
The former Pole Mountain Target and Maneuver Area is located midway between Cheyenne and Laramie in Albany County, Wyoming. The area has been used for military training for many years.

The former Pole Mountain Target and Maneuver Area is located midway between Cheyenne and Laramie in Albany County, Wyoming. The area has been used for military training for many years.

Location and Description: The former Pole Mountain Target and Maneuver Area is located midway between Cheyenne and Laramie in Albany County, Wyoming. The area has been used for military training for many years. The property is now owned by the U.S. Forest Service and is part of the Medicine Bow National Forest. The FUDS program is investigating the potential for environmental damage that occurred from the Department of Defense’s use of the property. 

Problem and Response: The property was extensively used for artillery and small arms training. A military munitions project has been approved to investigate the potential for risks from ordnance or munitions. An assessment includes the review of historical records, visual surveys, and substantial geo-physical investigations. A considerable area has been found to be contaminated with military munitions. All stakeholders are involved in determining the overall requirements to identify the best path forward to achieve these objectives. 

Activities for 2015: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will complete the military munitions remedial investigation and feasibility study for the following munitions response sites: Bisbee Hill Maneuver Area, Twin Mountain Impact Area, South Firing Area, Northwest Firing Area, and Eagle Rock Impact Area. USACE will continue to coordinate with stakeholders to identify any additional actions to meet the remedial investigation/feasibility study requirements. 

Proposed Activities for 2016: USACE will continue to complete military munitions remedial investigation and feasibility study activities. USACE will continue to coordinate with stakeholders to ensure additional remedial investigation/feasibility study activities meet the cleanup requirements.

Issues and Other Information: WDEQ considers Pole Mountain to be its highest priority military munitions project. USACE will work with WDEQ to align short-term goals and optimize planned activities to effectively utilize the limited funds available. Coordination and communications with the USFS, WDEQ, WSHPO, and EPA continues.