Chugwater, Platte County, WY: F.E. Warren Air Force Base Facility Former Atlas "E" Missile Site 5

Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Program

Published April 16, 2015
Atlas E Missile Complex

Atlas E Missile Complex

Location and Description: The site is five miles southeast of the city of Chugwater, Platte County, Wyoming. The site was one of nine Atlas “E” missile sites operated by the Air Force under the 549th Strategic Missile Squadron at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming. The site consisted of 18 fee acres and easements over 240 acres acquired between May 1961 and May 1962. Improvements consisted of one underground launch operations building and one launch and service building, segregated storage buildings, sentry house, two water wells and pump stations, helicopter pad, spray pond, roads, walks, fences, water, sewer, and electrical systems. 

The site was excessed in August 1965. By quitclaim deed dated July 20, 1967, the entire area was conveyed to Francis Orvis Daellenbach and Murrill H. Daellenbach. The site is currently owned and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bendel, who operate the business Frontier Astronautics from the site. 

Problem and Response: Due to trichloroethene (TCE) groundwater contamination, a Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste project has been initiated for this site under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program for FUDS. 

Remedial Action: A remedial action contract was awarded with FY11 FUDS plus up funding to begin a performance-based contract action. The contract includes a five-year basic award to get to Remedy In Place, with a FY16 option award to continue operation and monitoring for another five-year period of performance until response complete is reached. 

Activities for 2015: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contractor has completed the proposed plan and decision document. The remedial design and implementation of the full scale remedy is to occur this year followed by performance monitoring to confirm that the remedy in place continues to meet expectations for TCE mass reduction. 

Proposed Activities for 2016: Under the remedial action contract, the USACE contractor will continue performance monitoring to track reduction of the contamination of the final Remedy In Place. 

Issues and Other Information: The biggest challenge will be to satisfy WDEQ and EPA concerns regarding the reduction of TCE in the contaminated groundwater plume.