Colorado Springs, CO: Military Construction

Military Construction and Environmental Remediation

Published April 6, 2015

The installation is located in El Paso County in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The primary mission of Fort Carson is the training and readiness of all assigned and attached troops to ensure combat-ready forces.

The Fort Carson environmental program includes 45 active sites. Work includes investigations, monitoring and performing required remediation at sites involving water/sewage treatment plants, landfills, former underground fuel storage tanks, and groundwater plumes. A contract was awarded in July 2014 to accelerate remediation of 22 of the most complex sites. That award was funded by the Army Environmental Command (AEC). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ function is to perform technical oversight and provide Contracting Officer Representative services. Awards and progress under that contract to date are ahead of schedule.

For 2015 the program’s main focus will be to complete site closure activities and push forward on the new performance-based contract in support of AEC.

The installation has had strained relations with state regulators in the past. Recent initiatives to coordinate efforts between Army agencies, the new contractor, and regulatory representatives have improved those relationships and allowed for acceleration of program objectives.

Military Construction Projects: 4th Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) 2014 projects:

• Fire Station construction contract for $12 million was advertised March 14, 2014 with contract awarded July 24, 2014. Construction is eight percent complete.

• Flight Simulator construction contract for $12 million was advertised February 28, 2014. Construction is eight percent complete.


4th Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) 2015 Projects:

•Attack Battalion Maintenance Hangar $60 million. Design-bid build anticipate advertising July 24, 2015 with expected contract award September 16, 2015. Design 95% complete.

•Unmanned Aerial Systems Hangar. $26 million. Design-bid build expected contract award June 11, 2015. Design 95% complete.


Current Department of Defense Projects at Colorado Springs, CO

Special Operation Forces Battalion Operations Facility $56 million. Design-build request for proposal advertised June 12, 2013 with receipt of proposals August 20, 2013. Contract awarded September 27, 2014. Construction 12% complete.

Special Operation Forces Group Support Battalion. $22 million. Design-build advertised February 28, 2014 with receipt of proposals March 20, 2014 and contract awarded July 17, 2014. Construction 35 percent complete.

US Air Force Academy: • Large Vehicle Inspection Facility. $13 million. Design-build request for proposal is complete. Advertised November 18, 2011 with contract awarded March 30, 2012. Construction 100 percent complete. • Entry Control Point Stadium. $1 million. Design-bid build request for proposal 100 percent complete. Advertised August 19, 2013 with contract awarded November 19, 2014. Construction 100 percent complete.