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Regulatory Office/ Permits


Regulatory Office/ Permits

 North Dakota

Regulatory Office/ Permits

 South Dakota

Regulatory Office/ Permits


Regulatory Office/ Permits


Published March 22, 2024
Expiration date: 4/21/2024

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, (USACE) is evaluating a permit modification for the second phase of a previously permitted bank stabilization project on the Yellowstone River. The proposed project modification includes the placement of 1,440 linear feet (LF) of native alluvium in an area containing streambanks averaging 5.5-foot-high cut banks of sandy loam soils overlaying river alluvium. This would result in a discharge of 2,070 cubic yards (CY) of fill material, below the ordinary high-water mark (OHWM) of the Yellowstone River. This would include the use of native alluvium excavated from a medial gravel bar within the project area. This excavation area is approximately 66,270 square feet. Large woody debris, consisting of cottonwood logs sourced from the gravel bar will be integrated into the proposed gravel revetment. The applicant will also install approximately 3,000 individual dormant willow cuttings into the bank slope to assist in the stabilization of the previously failed bank. The project would result in permanent impacts to approximately 2.04 acres of the Yellowstone River. This notice is to inform interested parties of the proposed activity and to solicit comments.