Archive: December, 2014
  • December

    Connecting with Missouri River, USACE, Family

    I have found a connection to and through the Missouri River that runs deep and as wide as it once meandered. I’ve been with the Omaha District a little more than four years. I knew when taking the job that North Dakota was in the District’s area of responsibility and I would likely find connections to my family. North Dakota is where my parents and grandparents grew up. My dad’s great grandfather moved to Garrison, North Dakota from Iowa in 1901 to farm and my great-grandfather worked on Missouri River riverboats until traffic ended in 1926.

News from around USACE

Huntsville Center Partners with Auburn University Graduate Program
The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville has joined forces with Auburn University to offer a specialized graduate certificate program in construction management, equipping personnel...
Facility Division program upgrades historic Old Guard barracks
The project refurbished an outdated, historic barracks (Building 250) providing members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, traditionally known as "The Old Guard" access to a facility providing 13,000...
USACE 542nd Forward Engineer Support Team deploys to the Philippines
The 542nd, Forward Engineer Support Team—Advanced, deployed to the Philippines to provide technical engineering support for United States Indo-Pacific Command, January 26, 2025...
Japan Engineer District begins pilot Japanese intern program
For the last several weeks, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan Engineer District (USACE JED) has been a bit more scholarly than usual – perhaps in part due to the District’s participation in the...