Missouri River Water Management News

Missouri River Water Management News Releases are available on the Northwestern Division website.RSS Feed

Category: Cherry Creek WCPMS
  • Bear Creek and Cherry Creek Dams begin releasing water following storms

    The Bear Creek and Cherry Creek Dams, located near the greater Denver, Colo. area, began releasing water today at approximately 1 p.m. (MST) as part of a system operation plan to evacuate flood storage at the reservoirs which increased during the May 11-12 storms.
  • Annual sediment flushing exercise scheduled at Cherry Creek Reservoir

    The annual sediment flushing exercise will be completed at Cherry Creek Reservoir on Wednesday, May 23.
  • Final decision made for Cherry Creek Dam Water Control Plan Modification Study

    Effective April 2017, the Cherry Creek Dam, Chatfield Dam, and Bear Creek Dam water control plans were modified to reflect a 7,000 cfs release from Cherry Creek Dam if the reservoir reaches elevation 5590 feet. Releases from Chatfield Dam and Bear Creek Dam were not increased in the updated water control plans.
  • Public comment period extended for Cherry Creek Dam Water Control Plan changes

    Water managers for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District have extended the public comment period to December 16 for a Draft Report outlining proposed modifications to the Water Control Plan for Cherry Creek Dam during extreme flood events. The proposed plan allows water managers to release more water from the dam to reduce the risk of overtopping and failure. Public comments on the report will now be accepted through December 16, 2016. Changes to the water control plan could still be implemented as early as January 2017.
  • Proposed changes to Water Control Plan for Cherry Creek Dam near Denver, CO available for public comment

    Water managers for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District have released a Draft Report outlining proposed modifications to the Water Control Plan for Cherry Creek Dam during extreme flood events. The proposed plan allows water managers to release more water from the dam to reduce the risk of overtopping and failure. Public comments are being accepted on the report through November 18, 2016. Changes to the water control plan could be implemented as early as January 2017.
  • Public meetings scheduled to discuss Cherry Creek Dam studies

    Three public meetings to provide an update on the status of two studies taking place at Cherry Creek Dam are scheduled for the week of September 20. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host meetings to provide a status update on alternatives under consideration to address risks from extreme storm events associated with Cherry Creek Dam including a study to modify the dam’s water control plan.
  • Cherry Creek Dam water control plan modification study public meeting scheduled

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, January 26, from 6-8 p.m. to gather input on modifying the Cherry Creek Dam Water Control Plan to release more water from the dam during extreme flooding events in order to reduce the risk of the dam overtopping and failing. Comments must be postmarked or received by February 26, 2016.