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Significant flood risk remains in areas behind the federal levee systems in Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri. Water is still flowing through many breaches and other non-flowing breaches and damaged levee sections are at risk for water to flow behind the levee in the event of rising river levels.

The Corps of Engineers Omaha District has completed initial damage assessments of the 54 levee segments/systems that were damaged during the Spring of 2019 high water events. This damage encompassed the Missouri River downstream of Gavins Point Dam, in addition to the Platte, Elkhorn and other tributaries. Project Information Reports on each system have also been completed.

Click on Levee for Details
State  Levee System Stream Right or Left Bank (looking downstream) Approximate Upstream End of System Approximate Downstream End of System Last Updated 
NE Ames Diking Platte Left 2.5 mi E of North Bend, NE 5 mi E of North Bend, NE 12/18/19
NE Broken Bow Mud Creek Left W. Edge of Broken Bow, NE W. Edge of Broken Bow, NE 11/8/19
NE Cedar Creek Platte River Right 1.5 mi E of Cedar Creek, NE 2.5 mi E of Cedar Creek, NE 12/18/19
NE Clear Creek Platte Right 2.5 mi S of Yutan, NE 2 mi NE of Ashland, NE 12/18/19
NE Columbus Loup River Left Shady Lake Rd in Columbus, NE Quail Run Golf Course in Columbus, NE 12/18/19
IA Council Bluffs Missouri River, Indian Creek, Mosquito Creek, and Upper Pony Creek Left/Right 1 mi N. of the Council Bluffs Water Treament Plant & 16th Ave. in Council Bluffs IA (Indian Creek) Mosquito Creek (Mid-American Energy Plant S of Council Bluffs, IA) 12/18/19
IA Hamburg - Main Ditch 6 IA Drainage Ditch 6 Left Bluff Rd in Hamburg, IA I-29 S of Hamburg IA 12/18/19
IA Ida Grove Odebolt  Creek Right Horn Memorial Hospital in Ida Grove, IA Horn Memorial Hospital in Ida Grove, IA 11/8/19
MO L536 Missouri Left 3.5 mi S of Rock Port, MO 2.5 mi W of Corning, MO 12/18/19
MO L550 Missouri Left 2.5 mi N of Watson, MO 3.5 mi S of Rock Port, MO 12/18/19
IA L561 Nish Missouri Left 2 mi S of Hamburg, IA 2.5 mi N of Watson, MO 12/18/19
NE-IA-MO L575 Missouri Left Thurman, IA 5.5 mi S of Hamburg, IA 12/18/19
IA L594 Missouri Left Bartlett, IA Thurman, IA 12/18/19
IA L601 Missouri Left 1.5 miles East of Pacific Junction, IA 2 miles Southeast of Bartlett, IA 11/8/19
IA L611-614  Missouri Left Mosquito Creek (Mid-American Energy Plant S of Council Bluffs, IA) 2 mi S of Pacific Junction, IA 12/18/19
NE Lake Wa Con-Da Missouri Right N End of Wa Con-Da Lake S End of Wa Con-Da Lake 12/18/19
NE Norfolk Elkhorn River Left/Right Northeast Community College in Norfolk, NE (Left) W. Eisenhower Ave in Norfolk, NE (Right) Hwy 275 in Norfolk, NE 12/18/19
NE Omaha Missouri River Right 1.5 mi S of the I-680 Missouri River Bridge 0.5 mi S of the South Omaha Veterans Memorial Bridge 12/18/19
NE Papillion Creek System Big Papillion Creek Right West Center Rd in Omaha, NE (Big Papio) 96th St. in Papillion, NE (West Papio) Capehart Rd in Bellevue, NE 12/18/19
Pender Logan Creek Right Pender Municipal Airport S Edge of Pender, NE 12/18/19
NE Pierce N. Elkhorn River Right 549th Ave in Pierce, NE S. Edge of Pierce, NE 11/8/19
NE R520* Missouri Right 4.5 miles North of Rulo, Nebraska 2.5 miles North of Rulo, Nebraska 04/04/19
NE R548* Missouri Right 3.5 miles Northeast of Nemaha, NE 1 mi South of Nemaha, NE 04/04/19
NE R562* Missouri Right 4.5 miles Northwest of Peru, Nebraska 1.5 miles East of Peru, Nebraska 04/04/19
NE R573* Missouri Right 1.5 miles Northwest of OPPD - Nebraska City Coal Power Plant 1.5 miles South of OPPD - Nebraska City Coal Power Plant 04/04/19
NE R616-613 Missouri River & Big Papillion Creek Right (Missouri River) & Left (Big Papio) Bellevue Bridge (Missouri River) & Hwy 370 (Big Papio) Confluence of the Big Papillion Creek with the Missouri River 12/18/19


Salt Creek System Salt Creek Left/Right Pioneers Blvd. in Lincoln,NE Superior St. in Lincoln, NE 12/18/19
NE Scribner Pebble Creek & Elkhorn River Right (Elkhorn River) & Left (Pebble Creek) Ring Levee around Scribner, NE Ring Levee around Scribner, NE 12/6/19
WY Sheridan Big and Little Goose Creeks Left/Right E Dow Street in Sheridan, WY W. of S. Sheridan Ave. 12/18/19
SD Sioux Falls Big Sioux River & Skunk Creek Left/Right N of the Sioux Falls Airport I-229 in Sioux Falls, SD 12/18/19
NE Union and No Name Dike Platte Left Hwy 77 in Fremont, NE 2 mi S Valley, NE 12/18/19
NE Wakefield Logan Creek Right N. Edge of Wakefield, NE 858th Rd in Wakefield, NE 12/18/19
NE Waterloo Elkhorn River Right Ring Levee around Waterloo, NE Ring Levee around Waterloo, NE 12/18/19
NE Western Sarpy Platte Left 3.5 mi W of Gretna, NE 2 mi NE of Ashland, NE 12/18/19
NE West Point Elkhorn River Left Coburn Street in West Point, NE S. of Garfield St. in West Point, NE 12/18/19

*This levee system is inactive in the PL 84-99 Program making it ineligible for Rehabilitation Assistance at this time.