US Army Corps of Engineers
Omaha District Website

L624 Levee Restoration Information

Background: The L-624 Missouri River Left Bank, Indian Creek Left Bank, and Mosquito Creek Right Bank Levee System was damaged during the 2019 Flood Event, leading to the Project Sponsor submitting a Public Law (PL) 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance request to the US Army Corps of Engineers – Omaha District.

Current Action: Finalizing the damage assessment and economic analysis report.  This will allow the USACE team to communicate to the sponsor if any damages to the L-624 levee system are eligible for PL 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance.  However, due to the continued high water levels of the Missouri River it is likely that a follow-on damage assessment will be required to inspect areas of the level that are currently underwater.

Next Steps:

  1. Communicate to the Sponsor the findings of the initial site damage assessment and economic analysis.
  2. If repairs are eligible for PL 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance, then design funding will be requested.
  3. If repairs are not PL 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance, then the USACE team will work with the Sponsor to determine if technical assistance is desired to help repair the damaged levee system.
  4. Conduct a follow-on damage assessment of the levee once the Missouri River water levels recede to determine if there is more damage to the levee system that is eligible for PL 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance.

Status Updates:

16 July 2019 – Final Determination on project eligibility is on-going.  The team anticipates contacting the sponsor with an eligibility determination in the upcoming few weeks.

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L624 Levee Imagery

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