
Please note: We have migrated the documentation of the Omaha District Cultural Resources Program to the USACE Headquarters Digital Library. If a document you are looking for is not listed on this site, the Cultural Resources Reports library is available here .

Programmatic Agreement Administrative Record

In September 2001, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District (Corps) made the decision to replace the existing Programmatic Agreement for implementation of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), which was signed in 1993. As a result of this decision the Corps decided to follow a three-phase process to complete a new Programmatic Agreement for the Operation and Management of the Missouri River Main Stem System (hereafter called the “new PA”). The three-phase approach would include early input by interested parties and potential consulting parties. 

Phase 1 – Early Input. This phase would have special emphasis on obtaining early involvement and participation of the Tribes within the Missouri River Basin. The desired outcome would be a collaboratively developed preliminary draft new PA. 

  • Cultural Resource Task Force
    • June 2002
    • February 2003
  • Tribal Working Group
    • August 2002
    • October 2002
    • December 2002
  • SHPO Conference Calls
    • October 2002
    • November 2002
    • December 2002
    • January 2002

Phase 2 – Consultation. This phase would invite consulting parties to participate in the refinement of the preliminary draft new PA that was developed as a result of Phase 1. Through consultation with those invited parties a final draft new PA would be completed during Phase 2. 

  • July 2003 (Pierre, SD)
  • September 2003 (Rapid City, SD)
  • November 2003 (Bismarck, ND)
  • January 2004 (Pierre, SD)
  • March 2004 (Rapid City, SD)
  • March 2004 (Lower Brule, SD)

Phase 3 – Public Involvement and Signing. This phase would make the final draft new PA available for public comment, incorporate accepted comments and offer consulting parties the opportunity to sign the agreement. At the completion of this three-phase process we anticipate that a new PA would be complete and ready for implementation.

  • April 2004 (Pierre, SD)