L550 Levee Restoration Information

Background: The L550-561 Missouri River Left Bank Levee System experienced significant damage during the 2019 Flood Event.  This led to seven (7) breaches, along with substantial other damages, occurring throughout the Levee System.

Current Action: Complete the final repair contract to fully restore the L-550 levee system.

Restoration Activities:


Interim Repair Contract 

Final Repair Contract 


Weston Solutions, Inc. from West Chester, PA

Weston Solutions, Inc. from West Chester, PA

Contract Amount



Contract Award

June 11, 2019

February 14, 2020

  Construction Start

July 8, 2019

February 17, 2020

Estimated Completion

February 17, 2020

March 31, 2021










Status Update:

03 February 2021 - The contractor is approximately 80 percent complete with the final repair efforts. The current contract is expected to be complete by the end of March or early April 2021. There are several small efforts that will require a follow-on contract once the real estate can be secured for the repair areas and the weather is favorable for repairs. These items will not significantly impact the flood risk management benefits provided by the levee system.

08 September 2020 - The contractor is substantially complete with the final levee repair project with topsoil and seeding work remaining. The team is also focusing on repairing/replacing relief wells and a modification to place approximately 20 tons of riprap near the Watson Boat Ramp. 

16 July 2020 - The contractor is nearing completion of the final levee repair project, and the team is focusing on repairing/replacing relief wells and a modification to place approximately 20 tons of riprap near the Watson Boat Ramp. 

10 June 2020 - The contractor is approximately 92 percent complete with the final levee repair project and anticipates significant earthwork activities to be complete by early June 2020. 

08 May 2020 - The contractor is approximately 85 percent complete with the final levee repair project and anticipates significant earthwork activities to be complete by early June. 

23 April 2020 - The contractor is currently repairing riverside scour locations and placing levee surfacing material and is approximately 65 percent complete with the final levee repair project.  

10 April 2020 - The contractor is currently repairing riverside scour locations and placing levee surfacing material and is approximately 63 percent complete with the final levee repair project.  

16 March 2020 - Work has begun on the final levee repair contract, which focuses on restoring the levee to its pre-flood condition. The contractor is working on riverside scour areas and installing riprap along sections of the levee  system.  

04 March 2020 - The last remaining outlet breach on the L-550 levee system was closed on 19 February 2020 and the entire 31.8-mile length of the levee system has been restored to full height. The follow-on levee repair contract, which will focus on restoring the levee system to its pre-flood condition, was awarded to Weston Solutions of West Chester, PA for $37.4 million.

13 February 2020 - The last remaining outlet breach is anticipated to be initially closed by early March 2020. The follow-on repair contract for the L-550 levee system has been officially advertised and is scheduled to be awarded within the next week.

31 January 2020 - The contractor closed an additional outlet breach along the L-550 levee system southeast of Rockport, MO on 28 January 2020. There is currently one outlet breach remaining which is anticipated to be closed by early April 2020. The follow-on final repair contract for the L-550 levee system has been officially advertised and is scheduled to be awarded within the next couple of weeks. 

10 January 2020 - The contractor closed three outlet breaches along the L-550 levee system southeast of Rockport, MO on 04-05 January 2020. There are currently two outlet breaches remaining which are anticipated to be closed by early April 2020. The follow-on final repair contract for the L-550 levee system has been officially advertised and is scheduled to be awarded within the next few weeks. 

18 December 2019 - The contractor is substantially complete with levee crest and critical section loss repairs north of the Brownville Bridge and continues to place cohesive material on the riverside face of the Breach A (inlet) location. Preparations are being made to access the outlet breach locations once water levels recede. 

06 December 2019 - The contractor continues to place cohesive material at both breach locations and work crest and critical section loss repairs and is also scheduled to deliver riprap to the Breach A and B locations later this week. 

22 November 2019 - The contractor continues to place cohesive material at both breach locations and work crest and critical section loss repairs. The follow-on construction contract for final levee repairs is under development.

08 November 2019 - The team continues to conduct resiliency and interim repairs throughout the L-550 levee system. These repair efforts are mainly focused on enhancing the initial breach repairs.

24 October 2019 - The team continues to conduct resiliency and interim repairs throughout the L-550 levee system. These repair efforts are mainly focused on enhancing the initial breach repairs.

13 October 2019 - The contractor continues resiliency efforts to protect the sand berms from impending weather.  The contractor is also working to develop an access road to the next breach location.

27 September 2019 – The southern inlet breach was closed on 12 September 2019. The current scope of work for the interim repair project is 75% complete. Measures are being taken to protect the sand berms from next week's forecasted rise in river levels.

13 September 2019 – The contractor has now closed both priority breaches on the L-550 system and is working to expand these repair areas to increase the level of flood risk management provided by the repaired levee system.  It is estimated that the contractor is approximately 70% complete with the interim repair contract, although additional efforts may be added to this contract at a later date.

06 September 2019 – The contractor continues to work on closing the south inlet breach and is still on track to have this effort done by mid-September.  At the same time the Contractor is also working on expanding and improving the initial breach repair on the north inlet breach, working towards bringing the level of flood risk management provided by these repairs to the 25-yr level of protection.  It is anticipated that these follow-on repairs at the north breach will also be done by mid-September.

29 August 2019 – The 1000-foot north breach was closed on 24 August 2019. This initial closure stops the inflow of water and allows for follow-on construction activities to include increasing the level of flood risk management to the 25-yr level for this section of the levee until the system can be fully rehabilitated. On 19 August 2019, the contractor ferried vehicles across the north breach to begin work on the south breach. It is anticipated the south breach will be closed by 14 September 2019.

23 August 2019 – To date, the contractor has placed roughly 400,000 cubic yards of material in the area of the north breach. Closure of this breach is anticipated around 26 August 2019. The contractor has also started hauling sand to begin closure of the south breach. It is anticipated the south breach will be closed by 14 September 2019.

13 August 2019 – The breach could not be closed due to increased flows as the gap size decreased. To date, the Contractor has placed over 375,000 CY in the north breach closure alignment. Swamp buggy excavators have completed a rough haul road from the south borrow site to the south breach location. A revetment is being constructed to facilitate the breach closure.

31 July 2019 – The contractor continues to work towards closure of the northern breach. To date, the Contractor has placed over 220,000 CY in the north breach closure alignment. Roughly 1650 LF of the required 1800 LF north breach closure alignment is in place. North breach is scheduled to close within the week. Swamp buggy excavators have mobilized to the south breach to begin haul road construction.

22 July 2019 – The contractor continues to work towards closing the northern breach. The contractor was able to complete approximately 33% of the North breach closure and advanced the sand closure berm over 50%. Work on the south breach will likely begin this weekend, but is subject to closing the north breach and letting the land behind the south breach dry out.

08 July 2019 – All equipment and materials for the initial breach repair contract are on site and assembled, and dredging operations are underway.

20 June 2019 – The contractor is anticipated to mobilize to the construction site later this week and begin dredging operations towards the end of the week of 24-28 June.

11 June 2019 – The initial breach repair contract for both priority breaches was awarded to Weston Solution, Inc. of West Chester, PA on 11 June 2019.

NOAA River Level Observations & Forecasts

NOAA Water Gauge Levels

L550 Levee Imagery

The team continues repairing scour areas located near the recently closed "G" breach location to Rock Creek.
As of February 29, 2020, the entire L-550 levee system has been returned to full height. Continued repair activities will focus on restoring the levee system to its pre-flood condition.
The team continues to place approximately 11,000 -14,000 cubic yards of material a day at the L-550 “G” Breach in an effort to have an interim breach closure at this location by the first of March.
Aerial view of work on L-550 Sep. 13, 2019
Aerial view of southern breach closure (looking north) on L550, Sep. 12, 2019
Aerial view of southern breach closure on L550, Sep. 12, 2019
Aerial view of northern breach closure on L550, Aug. 24, 2019
Aerial view of northern breach closure (looking north) on L550, Aug. 24, 2019
After nearly 45 days, USACE contractors close the north breach of Levee L550 Mar. 24, 2019.
Image of final length of the north breach on Levee L550 near Watson, Missouri moments before closing, Aug. 24, 2019.
Aerial view showing progress of USACE contractors performing work on Levee L550 Aug. 3, 2019.
Aerial view showing progress of USACE contractors performing work on Levee L550 Aug. 3, 2019.
Aerial view showing progress of USACE contractors performing work on Levee L550 Aug. 3, 2019.
Aerial view showing progress of USACE contractors performing work on Levee L550 Aug. 3, 2019.
Aerial view showing progress of USACE contractors performing work on Levee L550 Aug. 3, 2019.
Aerial view showing progress of USACE contractors performing work on Levee L550 Aug. 3, 2019.
Aerial view showing progress of USACE contractors performing work on Levee L550 Aug. 3, 2019.
Aerial view showing progress of USACE contractors performing work on Levee L550 Aug. 3, 2019.
USACE contractor working to move material and close the northern breach on levee L-550 July 31, 2019.
Aerial view of levee L550 as of June, 11, 2019.
Aerial view of levee L550 as of June, 11, 2019.
Photo shows levee L550 breach effects near Watson, Missouri Mar. 14, 2019 (Photo by USACE, Omaha District)

Video Gallery

Video by Michael Glasch
Aerial view of Levee L550A Apr. 15, 2019
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
April 15, 2019 | 0:36
Aerial view of Levee L550A Apr. 15, 2019, following March 2019 runoff event. (Video by Mike Glasch)