Project Reports

Supplemental Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact - Nishnabotna Bend Operation and Maintenance Repairs

Published June 24, 2015
Expiration date: 7/24/2015

Title: Supplemental Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact - Nishnabotna Bend Operation and Maintenance Repairs, Nemaha County, Nebraska

Summary: The unprecedented flood of 2011 eroded the upstream portion of the island created by the original project, allowing the river to bypass the originally constructed grade control structure near the upstream entrance of the chute. Proposed repairs include a new grade control structure relocated farther downstream in the chute where the island has not eroded, two new stone toe revetments to stabilize the bank of the chute and the island, and repair of five existing spur dikes.

Geographic Scope: Right descending bank of the Missouri River near river mile (RM) 543 in Nemaha County, Nebraska.

Impacts: None

Decision/Date: Made following close of public comment period.