The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, (USACE) is evaluating a request by Ducks Unlimited for an Umbrella Mitigation Bank Instrument, known as the Ducks Unlimited Montana Umbrella Mitigation Bank (DUMUMB), and Initial Bank Site in north-eastern Montana, near the town Westby, known as the Westby Wetland Mitigation Site (WWMS). Kootenai (1), Upper Clark Fork (2), Lower Clark Fork (3), Flathead (4), St. Mary (5), Upper Missouri (6), Missouri-Sun-Smith (7), Marias (8), Middle Missouri (8), Musselshell (10), Milk (11), Lower Missouri (12), Upper Yellowstone (13), Middle Yellowstone (14), Lower Yellowstone (15) and Little Missouri (16) watersheds.
The purpose of this public notice is to evaluate the potential of this proposed Umbrella Mitigation Bank and proposed site plan to adequately compensate for wetland and stream impacts authorized under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
Umbrella Bank Prospectus: The principal goal of the UMBI is to provide the basis for the restoration, enhancement, creation and/or preservation of the functions and values of wetlands, streams, and riparian corridors at one or more Bank Sites to be located in eastern Montana, as compensation for unavoidable wetland impacts within the “geographic service area” of each Bank Site as further defined in the Prospectus.