In June, after an unsuccessful attempt by local firefighters to put out a smoldering fire at an abandoned Navy coalmine in Cumberland, Washington, the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation reached...
9/17/2020 UPDATED
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District received multiple awards from industry stakeholders for performance in construction, small business contracting, safety and public affairs. Receiving...
With September and October being the peak hurricane months, the Omaha District's rapid response team stands ready to offer disaster relief assistance should the need arise. According the National...
The Omaha District is empowering service disabled veterans through a unique program designed to offer competitive work contracts to small business owners. These veteran owned small business are making...
With an area of responsibility covering six states, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado and Montana, the Omaha District is one of the largest within Army Corps of Engineers – with that...