Tag: fish bypass
  • October

    USACE set to complete Lower Yellowstone irrigation, fish bypass project on schedule

    The Omaha District’s Lower Yellowstone irrigation project in south eastern Montana is on budget and on schedule at approximately 85 percent completion. This civil works construction project began in early 2019 after the Bureau of Reclamation reached out to the District to replace an existing, outdated diversion dam.

News from around USACE

ERDC Permafrost Tunnel hosts biological agent exercise
A three-day, multi-agency exercise took place at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Permafrost Tunnel Research Facility in Fox, Alaska. The 82nd Chemical Reconnaissance...
Transatlantic Middle East District Celebrates Leadership Developmesnt Graduates: Building Future Corps Leaders and Stronger Team
9/9/2024 UPDATED
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District celebrated the graduation of eight employees from the Leadership Development Program Tier 1 during a ceremony on September 5. The...
Pittsburgh District clears passage through dam, opens new navigation channel on Monongahela River to industry
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District opened a 100-foot-wide navigation channel for commercial vessels through the center of the dam at Monongahela River Locks and Dam 3 near Elizabeth,...
Pittsburgh District’s Alexander Bredikhin selected for ERDC University
Alexander Bredikhin, risk manager for Megaprojects with the Pittsburgh District, has been chosen as a participant for the 2024 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University...